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Awareness conversation against bullying at the CEIP Ramón Cabanillas school.

Throughout the weeks of March 11th and 18th, we conducted several awareness talks against Bullying at CEIP Ramón Cabanillas school. The talks, titled “Talking about Bullying”, were aimed at 3rd and 5th-grade primary education students. In an interactive environment, we were able to discuss with them some current realities and manifestations of this phenomenon in primary education.

Additionally, we had the opportunity to meet with some families to discuss this phenomenon. Under the title “Preventing Bullying and Family-School Collaboration”, we were able to echo some of their major concerns, share reflections, and discuss with them some alternatives or strategies that families can implement when facing this reality.

We express our gratitude to the school’s Parent-Teacher Association for their coordination, involvement, and promotion of participation in a topic that stands at the forefront of current concerns in both, school and virtual dynamics.