Unidade de Investigación das condutas de risco e os trastornos do desenvolvemento.

- FACULTADE DE PSICOLOXÍA Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC)
- Campus Universitario Sur, s/n.
- 15782 Santiago de Compostela, España.
The UNDERISK research trajectory is closely linked to the study of risk factors for antisocial behaviour and delinquency. To this end, several research projects and studies were aimed at evaluating those factors which might influence the appearance and maintenance of these behavioural typologies, mainly from a longitudinal methodology. The most relevant risk factors include those related to parenting practices, temperamental and personality characteristics, or different psychosocial factors associated with the school environment or association with the peer group.
To determine the risk factors more strongly related to the appearance and/or maintenance of problematic or antisocial behaviours.
Several longitudinal studies were carried out, some of them still in progress, in order to evaluate developmental trajectories and risk factors associated with problem behaviours. To this end, different community samples were selected, mostly from the Autonomous Community of Galicia (NW Spain).
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Unidade de Investigación das condutas de risco e os trastornos do desenvolvemento.