Unidade de Investigación das condutas de risco e os trastornos do desenvolvemento.

- FACULTADE DE PSICOLOXÍA Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC)
- Campus Universitario Sur, s/n.
- 15782 Santiago de Compostela, España.
The Language Acquisition and Developmental Disorders research group is specialized in the areas of language development and associated disorders. Its experience is reflected in several research projects on the above-mentioned topics, as well as the publication of numerous articles in scientific journals, book chapters and books.
The Galician adaptation of the Communicative Development Inventory Mac-Arthur-Bates (CDI), under the designation of “Inventario do desenvolvemento de habilidades comunicativas”, is one of the most relevant contributions. This instrument (parental inventory) provides an estimate of the level of communicative and linguistic development of children aged between 8 and 30 months. The full version and the short version are currently available for children between 8 and 15 months and for children between 16 and 30 months. This test has adapted scales for the Galician population, obtained from a sample of 1,500 children from the four Galician provinces.
Among the current lines of research is the “Preterm Project”, which aims to longitudinally evaluate the evolution of a sample of children born with less than 37 weeks of gestation, from birth to 9 years. The main objective of this research is to evaluate the development of oral language and, from the age of 8, also written language. In addition, the project aims to evaluate different factors or variables that may affect their evolution, at the cognitive level, executive functions, biomedical and environmental factors, and temperamental factors.
The research group on Language Acquisition and Developmental Disorders has collaborated with the neonatal units of the University Hospital Complexes of A Coruña and Vigo, the Hospital Complex of Ourense and the Hospital Modelo of A Coruña (Belén).
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Unidade de Investigación das condutas de risco e os trastornos do desenvolvemento.