Group researchers
ORCID: 0000-0002-9239-2544
researcher ID: C-6079-2011

Research interests: My research interests focus on the study of antisocial behaviour (classification, development, factors involved) with special attention to temperament and personality variables. I am also interested in proposing viable and effective intervention strategies for the prevention of behavioural problems in childhood and adolescence.

Brief review: I have been involved in multiple funded projects (5 as a principal investigator) that have allowed me to: 1) to address behavioural problems from a longitudinal point of view (e.g. the UDIPRE study, between 2002 and 2015; the ELISA project, since 2016) and 2) to guide the development of intervention strategies for families, teachers and children with behavioural problems (e.g. the EmPeCemos programme). I have published more than 100 publications on personality, delinquency, drug use in adolescence and behavioural problems in childhood. I have participated in R&D evaluation assignments commissioned by different agencies and multiple journals in my research fields (e.g. Journal of Early Adolescence, Prevention Science, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology). Since 2015 I coordinate the UNDERISK group (GI-1416) at the University of Santiago de Compostela.
ORCID: 0000-0001-8679-6027
researcher ID: C-6027-2011

Research interests: My research interests focus on language development and acquisition. Specifically, the study of psychological and language development in preterm and blind children, as well as the evaluation of language development and associated disorders.

Brief review: Among the most relevant achievements throughout my career, I have been the first president of the Official College of Psychologists of Galicia (currently an honorary member) and member of the first governing boards of the COPG (1980-1987); one of the founders and first president of the Association for the Study of Language Acquisition (AEAL) (2006-2013); member of the Executive Committee (2002-2008) and president of the Nominating Committee (2005) of the International Society for the Study of Child Language (IASCL). I have been an associate editor of Infacia y Aprendizaje during 13 years and currently of the Revista de Logopedia, Foniatría y Audiología. In addition, I am a member of the Editorial Board of several journals (e.g., First Language). Throughout my career I have collaborated as a visiting researcher at the Universities of Berkeley, Manchester and St. Andrews. I have also been part of the committee of experts of the Directorate General for Research of MICINN in the evaluation of projects on several occasions and, currently, I am a member of the D-17 accreditation commission of the ANECA Academy programme. As part of my research experience, I have been the principal investigator of more than 11 national research projects, 6 autonomous and 2 research contracts with companies (ONCE).
ORCID: 0000-0002-9140-1533

USC Research Portal

Research interests: My research interests focus on the field of prevention of behavioural problems with adolescents, assessment of the risk of antisocial behaviour and evaluation of programmes.

Brief review: My research activity began in 1995 with the award of an FPI scholarship, which allowed me to obtain a wide and varied experience in the field. For more than 20 years I have participated in the publication of more than 100 scientific documents including books, book chapters and articles in scientific journals. Among them, 47 were published in journals included in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR), presenting these articles a total of 467 citations, with an average of 9.9 citations per article and an h index of 13 in the ResearcherID. The data in SCOPUS indicate that the publications included in this database have 526 citations, being 13 the h index (data updated on 26/04/2019). In recognition of this activity, the National Commission on Research Activity (CNEAI) has rated me positively three periods of research activity.
ORCID: 0000-0001-5476-6720
researcher ID: H-8668-2015

Research interests: My research interests focus on the etiology and factors involved in behavioural problems, family intervention on early-onset behavioural problems, and emotional regulation and internalizing and externalizing problems in childhood and adolescence.

Brief review: My research activity was recognised with the Extraordinary Doctorate Award in the 2002-2003 academic year, as well as the positive assessment by the National Commission for Research Activity (CNEAI) of two periods of research activity. In addition, I have published in journals indexed in the Journal Citation Reports, in titles such as: Journal of Research in Personality, European Journal of Personality, Personality and Individual Differences, European Journal of Psychological Assessment, Psichothema, Behavioral Psychology, Substance Use & Misuse, Ethnicity & Health. Furthermore, I have made a stay in the Southwest Interdisciplinary Research Center (SIRC), School of Social Work of the University of Arizona, in the academic year 2007-2008.

Research interests: My research work was initially focused on cognitive styles, its connexions with the normative familial structure, and its repercussions on information processing, learning and academic performance. Later on, I joined a research line focused on perceived social support from different sources (parents, peers, etc.) and its incidence on social, academic, emotional, and institutional adjustment during transitional stages. A third line, to which I have dedicated my most recent research, focuses on the interconnexions between perceived social support, self-regulated learning and academic success and adjustment.

Brief review: I have developed a continued research activity, supported by grants obtained in competitive calls. The results from this activity were disseminated though publications, for the most part indexed in the WOS, and contributions to congresses, mainly international. I have also evaluated research projects for the ANEP, the UAM, and the ACUCyL, I have reviewed papers at the request of multiple indexed journals, and I am a mentor of the review process for Publons. I have contributed to the adaptation of various instruments for the measurement of perceived social support and academic adjustment. On the other hand, I have actively participated in university management tasks; namely, I have assumed the position of vice dean and dean. Also, I performed the functions of Quality Manager in the Faculty of Psychology and Coordinator of the Master’s Degree in Educational Psychology, in the USC. Moreover, I contributed to the founding of the Galician Museum of Psychology and I have continued supporting the maintenance of its collection and its visibility.

Research interests: Currently my line of research is focused on the assessment of relationships between perceived social support, self-regulation of learning, psychological adjustment and academic performance in students of Compulsory Secondary Education and University.

Brief review: In 2010, as a scholarship holder of the Xunta de Galicia, I obtained the Diploma of Advanced Studies and started my research career in the Department of Evolutionary Psychology and Education at the University of Santiago de Compostela. That same year, I was awarded a predoctoral scholarship for University Teacher Training (FPU) and in 2016 I obtained the title of Doctor in Psychology. I have participated as a researcher in the project “The transition to the university in the context of the European Higher Education”, which based my doctoral thesis and the current line of research in which I am actively involved.
ORCID: 0000-0003-0513-6698
Researcher ID: H-9173-2015

Research interests: My line of research focuses on the analysis of evolutionary trajectories of behavioural problems in children and adolescents, with a particular focus on risk and protection factors that, at longitudinal level, can influence their development, with the ultimate aim of being able to develop and implement effective prevention strategies from early childhood onwards.

Brief review: My research career began in 2008, in which I joined the UDIPRE group (currently UNDERISK) as a researcher with a grant from the Xunta de Galicia (2008-2010) and, subsequently, the FPU University Teacher Training Programme (2010-2014). After this stage I have received the Extraordinary Doctorate Award in Social Sciences (2015). During these years I have participated in the publication of around 30 scientific works, including articles and book chapters (Index H = 8). I am currently developing my work as a postdoctoral researcher of the Xunta de Galicia and I carry out my research in collaboration with the Center for Criminological and PsychoSocial research (CAPS) of the University of Örebro (Sweden).
ORCID: 0000-0001-8605-6694

Research interests: My research interests focus on the study of behaviour problems and antisocial and criminal behaviour in adolescents from community and juvenile justice samples. Specifically my research has focused on analysing the role of parenting and antisocial peers.

Brief review: My predoctoral training has been funded by the Programme of Aids to the predoctoral stage of the Xunta de Galicia (Department of Culture, Education and University Planning), under which I have carried out an international research stay at the Global Center for Applied Health Research (Arizona State University, USA). Currently, I am conducting a two-year post-doctoral stay at the Global Center for Applied Health Research (Downtown Phoenix Campus, Arizona State University, United States)
ORCID: 0000-0002-2162-8281
Researcher ID: O-8393-2016

Research interests: My research interests are based on the study of adolescent antisocial behaviour and different associated risk and protective factors. All this in order to adapt the risk assessment tools and, consequently, favour the risk management through the development of effective prevention strategies.

Brief review: My research career began in 2013 with the beginning of my predoctoral stage at the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC). As part of my research training, I obtained a research grant funded by the County Council of A Coruña, as well as the participation in several research projects and the predoctoral stay at Karl-Franzens University of Graz (Austria). In addition, I have been working as a lecturer in the Faculty of Teacher Training (USC) and I continue collaborating in different research projects within the group. Currently, I am conducting a post-doctoral stay in the group Forensic Family and Youth Care Studies, belonging to the Institute of Education and Child Studies at Leiden University (The Netherlands).
ORCID: 0000-0003-0012-4858

Research interests: My research interests are focused on family intervention in cases where the family receives a child with visual impairment and/or a developmental disorder and also the educational inclusion of students with specific educational support needs.

Brief review: My research activity began in 2004, after being granted a collaboration scholarship from the Ministry of Education and Science.
In 2007, I started the Doctoral Thesis stage, obtaining the title of Doctor for the elaboration of the work entitled “The family in the face of a child’s visual impairment: reactions, coping and family environment“. During this period I enjoyed a predoctoral contract, “María Barbeito” (Xunta de Galicia, from 17-12-2007 to 16-06-2010).
After obtaining my PhD degree, I enjoyed a research grant, awarded by the Diputación Provincial de A Coruña, for one year.
During these years I was author and co-author of several publications related to the field of disability, educational integration and family (h index of 2 in the ReseacherID -data updated to 04/12/2020-), also participating in several conferences, both national and international.
I participated in the project “Early Intervention: improvement of the communication process of the diagnosis of Developmental Disorder or Disability in early childhood“, funded by the Spanish Federation of Associations of Early Intervention Professionals and the Royal Board on Disability.
ORCID: 0000-0001-9788-0873

Intereses científicos: Os meus intereses científicos se centran la prevención dos problemas de conducta e a promoción da saude emocional na infancia e a adolescencia.

Breve recensión curricular: Profesor asociado do Departamento de Psicoloxía Evolutiva e da Educación da USC. Doutor pola Universidade de Vigo ca Tese “Estudio da violencia filio-parental en menores con medidas xudiciais de internamento terapéutico”. Colaboro co Máster de Psicoloxía Infantil e Xuvenil da UOC e o Máster de Psicoloxía Xurídica da VIU. Dende o ano 2000 traballo no eido da adolescencia en institucións de xustiza xuvenil, clínica e programas de prevención da violencia e a saúde emocional. Coordinador Xeral de ASEIA (Asociación para a Saúde emocional na Infancia e a Adolescencia). Teño colaborado na publicación de diversos libros, capítulos e artigos centrados no desenvolvemento da adolescencia e a intervención institucional con este grupo etario.

Reserch interests: My line of research focuses on language acquisition and development. More specifically, I am interested in the role of cognitive factors in normotypical language development and language disorders. I am also interested in bilingualism and second language acquisition.

Bief review: My research career began in 2016 with the start of my pre-doctoral stage in the Department of Psychology of the Faculty of Education Sciences of the University of A Coruña. My predoctoral training was funded by a grant from the Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria of the Xunta de Galicia. During the pre-doctoral stage, I carried out two research stays: at the LAVA (Language acquisition, Variation & Attribution) group of the Arctic University of Norway (Tromsø) and at the Centre for Language and Brain of the HSE University (Moscow). For the PhD thesis I received the AESLA Research Award “Guadalupe Aguado” for young researchers (2021) and the Extraordinary PhD Award (2022). After obtaining a Margarita Salas postdoctoral grant (funded by the Ministry of Universities), in 2022 I joined the UNDERISK group and started the project focused on language acquisition in children with TEL/TDL that I am currently working on.

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